An October Surprise

So, a witch called today…

That part didn’t come out until near the end of our conversation, but it was a little strange before that, too. This very pleasant woman called with two of the most bizarre bird questions I’ve fielded in a long time. I won’t go into details, but one was blue on its underside and another made a sound like “gee, gee.” I think we figured out the first (trick of the light on fresh plumage), but the second was a stumper.


I picked this up from Pinterest, posted by “Kathy,” and I’d love to credit the artist but have found nothing more. Here is the URL:

We talked a bit more about the fiscal situation in the state and that was it. As we prepared to end our conversation, she wished me a happy Samhain, explaining that she was a witch and that this was their New Year. (In looking it up to be sure I spelled it correctly, I learned that it’s pronounced “sow-in” in Celtic.) Just another question to the bird lab about birds. Folks do keep me on my toes.


Update next day: I had a second surprise. Not long after posting this, I dreamed I was doing some important work for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. I don’t remember the details of what my tasks were, but I was working away with a small group when Mrs. Clinton (Senator, Secretary, next President) came in and was talking and joshing with me and she patted me on the butt! (In a well-meaning, not Trumpian way.) I have never had an even remotely similar dream before. Weird.