Antisocial Distancing

Man, I was preadapted for this. My to-do list is perennially at cubic light-year proportions and is diverse enough to have kept boredom an abstract concept for decades. And we live in a home in the woods with neighbors we rarely see. We did have some unexpected guests drop by the house a couple times last week, but they were welcome, kept their distance, and didn’t stay long.

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When Mr F Meets Mr C, it’s Cold in Alaska

(I wrote this 20 years ago, before I had a blog. With -40s on us again, it’s a good reminder of the old days, when these temperatures were more frequent.)

It was cold here in Fairbanks for the past couple of weeks—down around -40º for days. That is the temperature where the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales meet. And air that dense tends to hang around for a while when it’s in the neighborhood. With the proper clothes, this isn’t much to get worked up about. It’s too cold for skiing, but strolling around out in the crisp is actually fairly pleasant.

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